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On this website I will show you my collection of Space Covers.
My name is Gerard Zonneveld. I live in Meerle, a small village in Belgium near the border with the Netherlands, where I was born.
I started collecting Space Covers just after the Apollo 13 flight and send my first "home made" covers to the US for canceling during the Apollo 14 flight.
Collecting continued until 1980, then I lacked the time since I started my own photostudio in Breda, the Netherlands. ( see: ).
Since a few years, thanks to the Internet, I'm busy again with my collection of Space Covers. And now I've stopped my commercial work, I found time to make this site.
The period of the Skylab flights, and the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, I have completely gone through, so many covers of these flights.
Now I am also focused on the Recovery Covers of the Gemini and the Apollo Flights.
I hope you like the site, and do you have any comments, please let me know (English is not my native language).
And also check out the link page, there are some interesting sites that have helped me to realize this website.

Gerard Zonneveld